Participants who can take part in the Free Paper Presentation are General
Pratitioners, Dermatology, Venerology and Aesthetic specialists or residents.


  •  Free paper is submitted in the form of an abstract (research/case report)
  • Abstracts can be submitted no later than Sept 27th, 2024 (at 23.59 GMT+7).
  • The presenting author must register for the INDALAS symposium before submitting the abstract.
  • Free paper will be presented in an Oral Presentation
  • Abstract must be sent to the email: with the subject: FREE PAPER
  • Authors are not allowed to modify the abstract that has been submitted


  • Abstract should not have been published at any national or international before.
  • Abstract is written in accordance with valid and ethical scientific and/or clinical methods.
  • The use of commercial drug names, brands, registered trademarks and pharmaceutical company names are prohibited. Drugs and devices should be identified by generic name.
  • The INDALAS Free Paper Committees will make the final decision which free papers are selected for Oral Presentation. The committee’s decision is final and cannot be appealed.
  • Abstract submitted can carry the topic of all Dermatology and Venerology fields (not limited to topic of cosmetic, laser and skin surgery).


  •  Abstract should not exceed three pages (including pictures, tables, and bibliography)
  • Abstract is written in English, Microsoft Word file format, Times New Roman, size 11, 1 space apart, A4 paper with a margin of 3 cm from the right, left, top and bottom edges with the following arrangement:

1. Title

The title is written in capital letters, Times New Roman, size 14, bold, center.


main author1, second author2*, third author3
(Times New Roman; size 11; presenter name (*), bold, center)

1Principal author affiliation and city address (Times New Roman; size 11; center, italic)
2Second author affiliation and city address (Times New Roman; size 11; center, italic)
3Third author affiliation and city address (Times New Roman; size 11; center, italic)

*Telephone number of the presenter, and email address (Times New Roman; size 11; center, italic)

2. Abstract

  • This is a short summary of the article.
  • Abstract heading is written in Times New Roman font with size 11, bold, sentence case, left aligned.
  • Abstract is written in one paragraph in a structured abstract with a maximum of 250 words.
  • The research abstract consists of the subheadings: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusion.
  • The case report abstract consists of the subheadings: Introduction, Case Illustration, Discussion and Conclusion.
  • Each subheading is written in Times New Roman with size 11, bold, sentence cases.
  • The contents of each subheading are written in Times New Roman font with size 11; sentence case, justified, 1 space apart.
  • Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian.
  • The keywords are written as follows: Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, keyword 4, keyword 5 (Times New Roman, size 11, italic, sentence case, 1 space distance.

3. Extended abstract body

  • The research consists of the headings: Abstract, Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Bibliography (Times New Roman, size 11, bold, sentence case, left aligned).
  • The case report consists of the headings: Abstract, Introduction, Case illustration, Discussion, Conclusion, and Bibliography (Times New Roman, size 11, bold, sentence case, left aligned).
  • The contents of each heading are written in Times New Roman, size 11, sentence case, justified, 1 space distance.
  • Example:
    Introduction: Times New Roman with size 11, bold, sentence case Introduction content: Times New Roman, size 11, sentence case, justified, 1 space distance

4. Figures and Tables

  • Images : maximum 3 (three)
  • Table : maximum 2 (two)

Table 1. Abcde.

Figure 1. Abcde(reference)

5. Conclusion

Write important conclusions of the article (Times New Roman, size 11, sentence case, justified, 1 space apart).

6. Bibliography

  • The total number of bibliographies should not exceed 10 references.
  • Bibliography must be written using the Vancouver system. Mendeley or Endnote software is recommended for bibliography writing (Times New Roman, size 11, sentence case, justified, 1 space apart).

For further information regarding extended abstracts and oral presentations, please contact:

dr. Cyntia Yulyana, Sp.DV (0822-5984-3181)